Mycorrhiza refers to the symbiotic joining of plant life into a fungal network for the purpose of transferring electrical signals and nutrients between these organic systems. Through the examination and capturing of both natural and artificial systems, Stokoe and Tease reconstruct these forms within separate environments, reflecting their state of detachment from our current world. Stokoe’s work presents disparate aspects of her local flora and fauna as wholly unique specimens that grow from the built environment of the gallery space, independent from their original ecosystems. Whilst Tease' work presents electronic systems of communication, detached from the interconnected networks of contemporary society. The relationship between these practices creates a network of both signals and life, self-contained to the gallery space. 
The ideas for this show reflect the material practice of each artist, alongside their own conceptual underpinnings. Stokoe’s works are created from the synthesis of Australian flora such as the tepal of a grevillea and elements of artificial products such as plastic beads and dolls. These specimens utilise natural forms of plantlife, as seen in the Creature series, alongside artificially coloured plastics and metals to create creatures that become more uncanny and artificial the longer they are inspected for. Tease’ works utilise many similar materials, such as copper, aluminium and timber, but are presented in a less naturalistic manner. These works present elements of designed environments such as sprawling power grids and telegraph lines, rendered powerless and detached from their original purpose. through their placement in the gallery space. Works such as AAA use the materials of industrial society such as processed copper cables as a means of dividing physical space. 
The exhibition will be presented as a point of connection between the practices of Stokoe and Tease, creating a symbiotic relationship between elements of the work, mirroring the process of Mycorrhiza, with Stokoe’s works from the Creature series making up the floral elements, whose features serve as a point of reference for the natural world.. Whilst Tease’ works form present an unnatural depiction of both manmade systems and fungal networks. This will be shown through the placement of these works, with Stokoes creatures being freestanding with the aid of steels rods protruding from each surface of the gallery, whilst Tease’ works utilise the negative space adjacent to these interventions to control the flow of movement through the gallery space. This further presents the mutualistic relationship between flora and fungi through the diversion of water and nutrients within their connected root system. Thus this form of display references each of the artist’s previous works and statements, such as Stokoe’s development of a fantasy-like environment and Tease’ draw towards obstruction of environments through physical and spatial barriers. 

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